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How to Grow Dutch White Clover

Dutch white clover is a great addition to any lawn or garden. It is easy to grow, provides important benefits to pollinators, and can help improve soil health. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the benefits of Dutch white clover in your yard.


  • Dutch White Clover Seed


  • Choose a location: Dutch white clover grows best in well-drained soil that receives at least 4 hours of sunlight per day. It can also tolerate partial shade.
  • Prepare the soil: Remove any weeds or grass from the area where you plan to plant the clover. Use a rake or hoe to loosen the soil to a depth of 2-3 inches.
  • Plant the clover: Dutch white clover can be planted in the spring or fall. Scatter the seeds over the soil and then lightly rake them in, making sure they are covered with a thin layer of soil. You can also mix the seeds with sand or soil to help distribute them more evenly.
  • Water the clover: After planting, water the area lightly to help the seeds germinate. Keep the soil moist until the clover is established.
  • Maintain the clover: Once the clover is established, it requires little maintenance. It should be watered during dry spells, but otherwise, it can tolerate periods of drought. Mowing or trimming the clover occasionally can help keep it looking neat and prevent it from becoming too tall.